Frontline K12JobSpot

Completing Your Profile

The information you enter in your profile is formal to the extent that the information is used when you apply for positions on the site.


To complete your profile, select "Profile" from the Profile drop-down menu in your account.


This page lists your basic information, profile visibility, extracurricular activities, and awards/honors.


Select the green Edit button to update the personal information portion of your profile.


These details include Name, Date of Availability, Phone Number(s), etc. (We recommend you at least include your mailing address and one phone number.)

Then, click Save once you are finished.


You can also select one of the applicable profile options to adjust your profile visibility, work experience, and language proficiencies.


Once an option is selected, a pop-up will appear where you can enter the applicable details and save your changes.



The online profile you create is formal in-so-far as the data is used when you apply for positions through your account. To complete your online profile, select "Edit Profile" from the Profile drop-down menu.


From this page, you can enter information related to "Education," "Certificates and Licenses," "Work Experience," "Documents," and "Extra Credit." Click on a specific section from the left side of the page to complete the entries affiliated with each option.


You can then select the Add button affiliated with the section you chose and enter information into the provided field. (Note, if you begin typing in a field and there is a drop-down list that appears under the field, please make sure you choose an option from the drop-down list.)


Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page when you are finished. (If the information does not save, please check for any fields shown in red or any red error messages.)

Keep in mind, if you do not have information to enter in a section of the online profile, you can mark it so that it is complete. To do this, select the Indicate that this profile section doesn’t apply to me check box.


As a final tip, please remember to click on Extra Credit to complete additional, miscellaneous sections of the online profile (i.e. Military Experience, Additional Training, etc.).
