Frontline K12JobSpot

Viewing a Job's Details

To view a job in your account, click on Job Search from the "Jobs" drop-down menu in your account.


A page will appear with all the jobs posted in the K12JobSpot system, and you can use the filters on the left side of the page to narrow down the list of job postings (as explained in this article).


To view the details regarding a position you see, click on the job posting. (Note that each employer sets its own criteria for each job: a green circle means you are qualified to apply for this position, and a red circle means that your qualifications do not meet the employer’s criteria.)


A new page will open where you can view the employer's information, job description, and requirements.

If you meet the requirements, you can click Apply under the "Take Action" section to submit your profile. (If you have any questions, consider referencing this article to learn more.)
